How To Contact Screenplay Agents & Producers

If you’ve written a script, you might be wondering what is the best way to contact screenplay agents and producers? The answer is: you need to write a query letter.

Do I really need to write a query letter? (Yes you do, and don’t worry, it’s not that difficult.) Another concern many people understandably have is this . . . okay, so I’ve written the query letter, now what?

Good question? The great news is, you don’t have to worry! We’ve got you covered. Here at Script Mailer, we provide a wonderful service that will allow you to send your query letter out to over 400 screenplay agents and over 650 producers.

Now this is no ordinary list of script agents and producers. Let me explain. This list took over 12 months to compile at a cost of approximately $50,000 (this includes labor costs plus technical & research costs).

Our contacts directory is so extensive and complete that it frees you up to do what you do best—that is come up with great ideas and write wonderful stories.

Benefits you can receive:

>> Send your query letter to over 400 Screenplay Agents

>> Connect with over 650 Hollywood Producers & Production Companies

>> Save yourself 12 months research!

>> The fastest, easiest way to break into Hollywood

>> Submit to all major agencies (including ICM, William Morris & CAA)

>> 100% money back — we return every cent if you’re not satisfied!

Now admittedly, the cost of this service isn’t free. As much as we would like to offer our service for free it would be impossible to maintain this database without charging a small fee. We currently update our contacts directory every three months and this is very research intensive and costly.

A Personalized Service With A Magic Touch

In addition, we offer a highly personalized service to each of our customers. We make sure that your query letter is sent to each agent/producer individually. This means that an agent/producer will receive your query letter addressed to them exclusively.

We also send your query letter using your own personal email address. That way, agents and producer can respond direct to your inbox.

Here is a breakdown of the services we have designed to make life easy for you. As you can see, our fee is a small price to pay for a real, genuine shot at success.

  • $49 for the Screenwriter’s database (sends your query to over 400 agents)
  • $49 for the Film database (sends your query to over 650 producers and production companies)
  • $89 for the Screenwriter & Film databases combined (sends your query to over 1050 agents and producers) — now that’s value!
  • $39 for the TV Series database (sends your query to 455 TV producers and production companies)
  • $79 for the Screenwriter & TV Series databases combines (sends your query to over 850 agents and producers)

The Hollywood Network Right At Your Fingertips

Do you sometimes feel tremendous frustration at the fact that you don’t have any contacts in the film and television industry? Our service aims to eradicate this problem once and for all.

Imagine never having to worry about connections; about who you know; who your friends are; who your family is. For much of the Hollywood era, screenwriters who tried to break into the industry had to schmooze with producers and celebrities just to get their foot in the door.

If you weren’t on the inside, you were out. It didn’t matter how talented you were, if you weren’t a good networker or didn’t have the right connections, there was no way you were breaking into the industry.

Fortunately, those days have changed. Now, with our service, it is easier than ever to connect with the great gatekeepers of this industry—the Hollywood agent. Get a script agent or producer interested in your work and they will open doors that were once shut closed. They will move mountains to ensure you gain exposure and your talent is rewarded.

If you’re looking to sell your script, collaborate with other industry professionals, or secure financing, it is now possible to reach out and connect with Hollywood producers and production companies too.

Consider yourself lucky. You’re living in a time when it has never been easier to open doors that were, for many decades, shut permanently to anyone without connections. You only have to go back to the early 2000s to hear stories of struggling screenwriters throwing screenplays over celebrities’ walls in order to draw attention to their work. Fortunately, you live in a time when you don’t have to take such drastic action.

Give this part of your career the attention it deserves. And keep this in mind, your query letter doesn’t have to be art and it doesn’t have to be perfect. There is no need to feel stress or worry when it comes time to write your query letter.

However, if you want to save yourself time and don’t want to worry about writing a query letter yourself, our experienced team of writers can write your query letter for you. Once your query letter has been drafted, it will be reviewed and assessed by an agent currently working in the film and television industry. Once the agent approves your query letter, we will send it back to you, complete and ready to be sent out.

You can receive this wonderful service for only $75. If you are interested, please send us an email for more information.

*Jennifer Sloane has worked as a screenplay agent in Los Angeles and Nashville for the last five years. Jennifer loves good movies, music and animals. A former television and movie executive, Jennifer currently heads business development at Script Mailer (a company that connects screenwriters with agents and producers in Hollywood).

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