Writing A Successful Query Letter (Part 1)

Your query letter doesn’t have to be perfect, but it has to be good enough to generate interest. And the shorter and more concise your query letter is the better. (*It is with great appreciation and thanks to Jane Williams that I am able to reprint this query letters here in full). Read this query letter. Study it and see how …

How To Protect Your Script

Are you a worried about having your screenplay idea stolen? So worried that you’re scared to send your query letter out to anyone in case they take your idea and turn it into a movie, without giving you any credit or giving you a dime. If you are, don’t worry you’re not alone. And here’s the good news, this really …

Mike Richards And The Great Sales Pitch (Query Letter)

I’d like to introduce you to Mike Richards. At the time he contacted us, Mike worked as a sales executive and on the side wrote articles about topics that interested him, primarily articles about entrepreneurship and current events. Mike also had an idea . . . as it turns out, a great idea. Mike, by his own admission, had never been …

The Aim Of The Query Letter (and Success Story)

Before you start writing your query letter, it is useful and important to understand the goal of a query letter. That is, what are you trying to achieve by writing the query letter? Are you trying to find representation with a script agent? Are you trying to make contact with a producer to sell your movie idea or film/TV script? …

How To Contact Screenplay Agents & Producers

If you’ve written a script, you might be wondering what is the best way to contact screenplay agents and producers? The answer is: you need to write a query letter. Do I really need to write a query letter? (Yes you do, and don’t worry, it’s not that difficult.) Another concern many people understandably have is this . . . …

What Script Agents Are Really Looking For When They Read Your Screenplay

For screenwriters trying to get their screenplays made into a movie, a script agent is a crucial step in the process. That’s why it’s important to understand the thought process behind an agent’s decisions and to really understand what a script agent is looking for when they read your screenplay. The first, overriding, factor that an agent thinks about when …

What To Look For In A Script Agent

A lot of screenwriters spend time thinking about how they can get a script agent. Which is great because this is a critical step you will need to make in your screenwriting career at some point—if you want to start making a living in the industry. However, what a lot of scriptwriters don’t spend enough time thinking about is this: …

Writing Screenplays for Movie Stars

So you want to write a screenplay that sells to Hollywood! Well, guess what? One of the best ways to do this is to get a Hollywood movie star on your side. What About A Screenplay Agent? Yes, you’re going to need an agent too. Here’s how it works. Hollywood agents represent both screenwriters and movie stars. Get your screenplay …

Writing a TV Spec Screenplay

If you want to get hired by a TV show, you’ll need to write a great spec script for that show. In this article, we’ll get some great advice from screenwriting instructor John Trudy who will explain some of the do’s and don’ts when it comes to writing a great TV spec script. Content Is Key To get hired on …

How To Become A “Paid Screenwriter!”

In this article I thought it would be a nice to take a look at some of the basic steps in which an aspiring screenwriter can transition from “aspiring” to actual “paid screenwriter.” Now, the first and most obvious step is to: spend your time writing screenplays. I know, I know. Tell me something I don’t know. But you’ll be …